Serenity Whisper

Welcome to Serenity Whisper, your number one source for transforming your life. We believe in helping humankind reach its true potential mentally, physically, and spiritually. We focus on bringing confidence, joy, harmony, and serenity back to you and let you live your life to the fullest. 

Consciously create a new version of your self

Serenity Whisper

About US

Bringing life with freedom, confidence with joy, and serenity with glory!!

Serenity Whisper

Who we are

Founded in 2022 by Hanadi Awad and Amani Salama, Serenity Whisper has an inspiring background story Our Story of its beginning. When we first started, the passion for caring about others drove us to produce a platform that can add awareness and serenity to people’s lives. We felt its true importance during the current uncertain times when people feel lost, alone and confused. A time when hopelessness is all over the place. It destroyed completely people’s mental, physical and spiritual health.

Break away from destructive programming and beliefs and take the first step towards your dreams

Serenity Whisper

Founders' Message

Greetings to our esteemed clients and team members.
We the Founders, Hanadi Awad and Amany Salama, have the credentials, passion, and experience to connect you with your spirit and help you discover unadulterated joy and awareness in your everyday life. At Serenity Whisper, our purpose is healing and awareness. We ensure that whatever we do proves to our clients, employees, and community that we are more than just a SERVICE PROVIDER; we’re an INSPIRATION & HEALER. We are more than a group of passionate team members; we are hope givers, healers, producers, and givers. In today’s world, the demand for platforms like us to be more client-centric, relevant to newer generations, and responsive to evolving personal needs is shifting how we position and communicate externally and internally. It provides us the chance to revitalize our purpose and enrich our story of how Serenity Whisper empowers our clients and associates to be extraordinary and impact the world by assisting them to live their lives to the fullest with confidence, joy, harmony, awareness, and serenity. By doing so, we will open a new horizon in our community and grow with our valued clients. We would like to ask for your continued interest and encouragement, and we wish you and your loved one’s health and happiness.
Thank you.

Release your fears and discover your real potentials

Serenity Whisper


Hanadi Awad


Practitioner for resolving traumas, life coach, and advisor in natural medicine.

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Dr.Amani Salama


PHD in psychology, life coach, specialist in awareness and spiritual coaching

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Not Only Happy Souls but Establishing an Inspirational World!!!

Serenity Whisper

Our Services

Our various coaching sessions allow us to engage in open, judgment-free conversations where we encourage you to share your struggles and story. Together, we’ll determine next steps and help you do the following


Trauma is a common occurrence. These unfavorable events of adverse childhood experiences inevitably lead to complicated feelings that are still present in adolescence and adulthood. At Serenity Whisper, we help you recognize the source of your childhood trauma and by resolving it you will get an understanding of the purpose behind the pain and will help you find inner peace and restoration.

Improve relationships

Find yourself isolating and forgetting to reach out to those who are close to you? Maybe you struggle to maintain relationships out of fear or apathy. Relationships are a significant part of our lives; however, they require work. We’ll help you overcome the emotional blocks which are preventing you from enjoying your relationships and we will give you tips on how to properly communicate and show appreciation for your loved ones, creating a strong, long-lasting support system you can trust.

Release your fears

If you are reluctant to form relationships or take risks, you’ve likely been paralyzed by fear. Fear is a formidable obstacle that often blocks your path towards recovery. Together, we’ll dissect your fears and adopt methods for navigating them. Once you’ve liberated yourself from your fears’ shackles, you can recognize your strengths and begin building your ideal life.

A positive mindset

It’s all too easy to slip into a negative mentality, especially when things do not unfold as you envisioned. The only way to maintain a fulfilling life is to adopt a positive mindset. We’ll help you develop constructive habits and an optimistic outlook to see you through even the most difficult times.

Raising awareness

achieving high levels of awareness and reality is a fundamental foundation to experience high levels of happiness and serenity. We help you achieve that by raising your vibrations and synchronicity with high emotions and using effective thoughts and constructive believes.

Self Discovery and Improvement

If you’re feeling lost, wandering aimlessly, you’re not alone. We’ll guide you in the right direction by identifying areas for improvement and help you express yourself authentically, encouraging you to lean into your talents and favorite pastimes. Here, we’ll also help you define your character’s strengths and weaknesses, your likes, possible professions, and ideal environments that will be conducive to your growth and overall contentment.

Develop a bespoke action plan

After learning about your goals, we’ll create an action plan tailored to you to help you achieve your vision

From self-doubt to self-aware, from pain to purpose, from fear to confidence, and from ignorance to awareness

Serenity Whisper

Why choose us


After many years of trials & errors and research, we have decided to follow our proven techniques. We go back to childhood with this method and search for the root cause, which created the emotional block and made the person stuck in the past. By doing so, we help you resolve these emotions, restore wellbeing, and help realize your real potential in life.

Superior Client Services

We are small enough to be agile and responsive and big enough to service the needs of anyone. We pride ourselves on the excellent standard of experiences & sessions we provide.

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Expert Coach

We are all highly experienced and extensively trained professionals. Since our goal is not only to provide you services but add peace, harmony, and serenity to your lives. 

Proven Success

We have a record of successful life coaching & an excellent track record of sessions with repeat clients. You can be confident you are engaging a credible and dependable speaker capable of delivering the highest quality results

Your journey to discover yourself starts when you realize that you are not like anyone else. All what is going on is happening for you or serving you

Serenity Whisper


Our mission at Serenity Whisper is to nurture people’s lives and help them connect with their true selves and their pure enlightened hearts.
Our purpose is to bring their true lives back to them which they have lost long ago, by eliminating the root causes of their emotional blocks. We strive to offer a unique, unparalleled, and exceptional experience to our clients by helping them in achieving the inner healing they always desired, reaching the higher levels of awareness they always wanted, improving the quality of their lives, and discovering better possibilities. Besides all that, they will be feeling full of freedom, confidence, joy, serenity and glory.Serenity Whisper is committed to the highest standard of its services delivered with passion, compassion, and dedication.

It is sad when you see a child afraid of darkness, but it is even more sad when you see an adult afraid of light!!

Serenity Whisper


We envision establishing a heaven on earth by becoming the most reputed, reliable, and trusted go-to place for every individual aiming to find the light of inner healing and higher awareness, hence living his life to its fullest, discovering his purpose in life and his real potentials.

At Serenity whisper we help you take responsibility of your life and your destiny

Serenity Whisper

Our Values


We consider integrity our first principle to do anything in our lives with honesty. Our clients trust us with their personal life stories, and we make sure that we give back their trust with valuable results & feelings. Serenity Whisper never likes to compromise honesty


Having enthusiasm, fun, and compassion for our services while creating an aspirational, inspirational, and happy community around our brand is what keeps us going

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We treat all people equally as they deserve our respect regardless of their faith, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, diagnosis, personal history, education level, or economic situation. We recognize and respect clients' different religions and beliefs and will never abuse the power inherent in our position as counselors by attempting to impose our thoughts and values upon clients.


Trust of our clients matters most for us. We are there because of this value in the first place. We are crystal clear when it comes to our dealing. We do not hide any terms and conditions from you. Instead, we make sure to provide the necessary knowledge at every step. If you are not aware of anything, our coaches can take care of it and give you all the required information.


We always have a client-first approach. We assess your life stories with in-depth research, a customized approach, and several other indicators and deliver our 100% accordingly. Your results and joyful feelings are our commitment.


We are committed to help our clients raise their self-awareness as it lets them realize when they’ve messed up and pinpoint how they can fix their mistakes in the future. Also, they will know why they react to certain situations in the way that they do and recognize triggers that may lead to certain emotions.

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